Bringing Holy Communion to parishioners who can no longer go to Mass is very important to us at St. Thomas. Providing Communion to a person in his or her home is a very meaningful ministry for both the recipient and the minister. Visits are scheduled around a time that is mutually convenient for the minister and the communicant. Volunteers are invited to serve on a regular schedule or as a substitute minister.
If you or someone you know needs a visit, or if you would like more information about joining this ministry, please contact Julie Bablin by phone, email or by filling in the information below (After entering the contact information, please make sure to scroll to the bottom to click on "Submit").
When our parishioners move to a long term care facility outside of the parish boundaries we do not want them to feel forgotten. Our visitation team provides friendly visits to help those people still feel loved, supported, and connected to our parish. If your loved one is in a facility, please let us know! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer in this area fill in the area below. --Currently on hold due to COVID 19.
Recently, Charlotte Anderson (front, center) retired from ministry at Bethlehem Commons at the Good Samaritan Village after 25 years of weekly ministry. We thank Charlotte and all of the very dedicated ministers for the devotion to the folks at the nursing home.
Our parish also organizes and provides Catholic services for facilities in our community. Scheduling is approximately once a month, more if desired. Teams of ministers are scheduled on a rotating basis at the following facilities:
Rosary and Communion Service:
Atria Delmar Place - Tuesdays @ 10:00 am & Sundays @ 11:15 am
Albany Center for Assisted Living (formerly Kenwood Manor) - Tuesdays @ 11:00 am
Delmar Center for Nursing and Rehab (formerly Bethlehem Commons) - On hold due to COVID19
TRAINING IS PROVIDED FOR ALL OF THESE MINISTRIES. This includes health and safety procedures due to COVID19.
If you would like more information about joining this ministry, please contact Julie by phone, email or by letting her know below. (After filling in the information below, please remember to click on SUBMIT on the bottom of the form.)