JOIN US ON SUPER BOWL WEEKEND Feb. 3 & 4 Serving Fr. Rich Broderick’s Third World Soup!! Sponsored by our Pueblo to People & Youth Ministry Saturday February 3 after Mass dine in the Gathering Hall ! Take outs available after all Masses! All proceeds to benefit our Sister Parish in Yucatán Mexico. Suggested donation: $2.00 Dining in Gathering Hall or Small Take Out $5.00 for Large Take Out
SHOWING GRATITUDE & GENEROSITY to OUR CREATOR! “God looked at everything He made & He found it very good.” Genesis 1:31 Join us Feb. 10 & 11 after all Masses! Environmental Displays, Crafts, Tips on Reducing Consumption & Wasting Less, Refreshments Served! Make a Pledge this Lent to have a CHANGE OF HEART Pray, Fast, Serve, Give Alms & Conserve! “As individuals, as institutions, as a people, we need a CHANGE OF HEART to preserve and protect the planet for our children and for generations yet unborn.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Renewing the Earth
Cantors Needed ~ St. Thomas has a CRITICAL need for cantors to sing at the weekend and holy day Masses. If you would like to volunteer for this valuable liturgical ministry and have been confirmed, please contact Avery Tunningley, Parish Music Director, at 518-357-0718 as soon as possible.