Special thanks to you our many ministries for joining us for our Annual Saints Snacks Service Ministry Fair! Thank you for sharing your good works and how to get involved. If you missed the event, please stop by the Gathering Hall for an updated list of Ministries that we have here at St. Thomas. We have something for everyone! You are most welcome to join the "march" by contacting the coordinator listed. All are welcome to share and be a part of the life and fabric of our parish family.
Oh, how I want to be in that number when the saints come marching in... Reach out today!
We thank our Pueblo to People Committee, Fr. Tom Hayes, Fr. Matt, Fr. Rick, and all those who joined us to honor our Mother Mary at Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration. Thank you for a beautiful evening of prayer, solidarity with our Sister Parish in Mexico, and fellowship. Muchas Gracias! See our photo album here
Many thanks to our Pueblo to People Committee, Women of Mary and Youth Ministry for honoring our Mother Mary at our bilingual Rosary and Crowning. We thank Brian Murphy for sharing his talent to honor our Lady and Marcella for crowing her. “Madre Eres Ternura, Madre, eres ternura, eres una flor , blanca y preciosa, llena de amor. Sí, Señora ven a mí, ven, ven a mí, cúbreme con Tu manto lleno de amor. “ “Mother you are tenderness, you are a flower, White and precious, full of love. Yes, Lady Come to me, come, come to me. Cover me with your mantle full of love.” Click for pictures
Muchas Gracias St. Thomas! Together we raised $714.00 at our Souper Bowl Soup Sale for our Sister Parish in Mexico! Fr. Leskavor was the winner of our Los Ponchos Gift Card. We thank our Pueblo to People Committee and Young Church for hosting our event and you our parish family for your continued generosity and support. Click here for pictures.
Special thanks to all those who in solidarity with our sister parish in Mexico, prayed the Rosary for the last 46 days in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Special thanks and blessings to our Pueblo to People Committee, Fr. Rick, Fr. Dan, Deacon Ramon Bonifacio and Fr. Tom Hayes and all who joined in honoring our Mother Mary in the celebration of the Mass and Rosary. We thank Bruce McShane and George Harder for assisting with hospitality. Our Lady our Mother continue to hold us close in your mantle of love! Click here for more photos
On behalf of our Sister Parish, Paraoquia de San Antonio de Padua, in Yucatan Mexico we thank you for your spiritual and financial support shown to our Sister Parish during our Souper Bowl Soup Sale this weekend! Together we collected $917.00! Our winning Raffle tickets for our Los Panchos Gift Cards is 044182 and 044094. Please pick up your prize at our Church Office between 9am-2pm. Special shout to Pueblo to People Committee and Youth Ministry for hosting the event! Thank you, St. Thomas, for showing LOVE of neighbor across borders! Together we are making a difference! God Bless you! Happy Valentine's Day!
Pueblo to People and Youth Ministry are preparing Fr. Rich Broderick’s Third World Soup a delicious tomato, rice and vegetable soup. Take out containers will be available for a donation after all Masses this weekend Feb. 12 & 13! Stop by for some soup or enter our free raffle! All donations benefit our Sister Parish: Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua in Yucatan Mexico. On behalf of our Sister Parish and its 17 chapels; pastor, Fr. Raul Francisco Cardoz Fernandez and Parish Coordinator Sister Leonila THANK YOU for your years of spiritual and financial support! Know that our Sister Parish is praying for all of us too! Thank you, St. Thomas, for sharing the LOVE of NEIGHBOR beyond boarders! “Muchas bendiciones!” Many blessings!
All are welcome to join us at Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration, hosted by the Pueblo to People Committee, Friday, Dec. 10. We will begin our celebration with the Rosary at 6pm followed by a Bilingual Mass at 6:30pm. Show your solidarity with our Sister Parish in Yucatan Mexico. If you have any questions please contact Patricia Sosa Suarez at [email protected]; or Edi Samaniego at [email protected]
To keep the tradition of the Souper Bowl, this year the Pueblo to People Committee is inviting you to make Fr. Broderick’s Third World Soup from the comfort of your home. Even though we will not gather to sale our delicious soup, which is a fundraiser for Our Sister Parish in Yucatan, Mexico, we ask that you keep our Sister Parish in your prayers especially now during this global pandemic. We are asking our Sister Parish to pray for us too. Stay well and healthy! Click on the Title to see the recipe.
The Church of St. Thomas the Apostle and the Pueblo to People Committee invites all parishioners to the celebration. Click on the event to see the full invitation.