Special thanks to you our many ministries for joining us for our Annual Saints Snacks Service Ministry Fair! Thank you for sharing your good works and how to get involved. If you missed the event, please stop by the Gathering Hall for an updated list of Ministries that we have here at St. Thomas. We have something for everyone! You are most welcome to join the "march" by contacting the coordinator listed. All are welcome to share and be a part of the life and fabric of our parish family.
Oh, how I want to be in that number when the saints come marching in... Reach out today!
Led by the esteemed iconographer Veronica Royal, this unique workshop will focus on the timeless art of painting "Christ the Good Shepherd." June 24 - 28 in the Parish Life Center of St. Pius X Church, Loudonville. Cost: $750 per person, due in full by June 12. Register at: form.jotform.com/241303554366049
Monday, May 6 -- 6:30 P.M. OR Saturday, May 11 -- 10:00 A.M. in the church. All ages are welcome! Children must have received their First Communion, youth and adults! This training is for those newly interested in serving or those who want a refresher. Fr. Matt will lead the training. Please RSVP to Pat Holm, [email protected], or 518-439-4951
Capital Region Catholic would love for other young adults (ages 21-39) to join us for a truly divine day-trip to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA. When: Saturday May 18th, Meetup: 9:40am at the St. Thomas the Apostle School parking lot to consolidate into cars, Departure: 10:00am sharp, Destination 1: Naumkeag grounds & gardens, 5 Prospect Hill Road Stockbridge, MA , Destination 2: Divine Mercy Shrine, 2 Prospect Hill Road Stockbridge, MA 01262, Home Departure: 4:00pm **Please RSVP at by: May 15th (for car logistics)** For RSVP and more details visit https://shorturl.at/bwCGL
The Dominican Retreat and Conference Center is ofering an evening of refreshment for parish ministers. Making All Things New: Reclaiming the Passion for Ministry will be held June 21 from 6-9pm with presenter Joyce Solimini. In-house $25 (includes dinner) Virtual via Zoom $15, Click here to register
Thank you St. Thomas for showering items needed for blessing bags made by the Christ Child Society of the Albany Diocese, for women and childern who are forced to flee their home because of domestic abuse. Your donation of toiletry items, child activity books and cuddly push toys are most appreciated. Special thanks to our young church for sorting and greeting. Thank you all for your kindness and prayers for those experiencing the unthinkable. Click for more photos!