St Thomas hosts many social and special events throughout the year. Do you like to conceive, plan, and organize events and have fun? This ministry might be right for you! Past events included an Irish Night where the Parish turned the school auditorium into a veritable Dublin Pub with live music and an Our Lady of Guadaloupe Night that turned that same auditorium into a cantina with authentic Mexican dancers. Call the Parish Office to volunteer.
Fun is had by all at the Elm Ave. Park, Delmar every September. Free Food, Soda, Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, A Bouncy-Bounce for children, 50-50 Raffle, games, karaoke and much more is planned every year thanks to our volunteers!
Each month St Thomas hosts a senior luncheon. Theme based baked goods are always appreciated for dessert. Contact Steve or Christine Corson at 439-3286. to help with baked goods or refer to the bulletin for the upcoming monthly themes .
Our Hospitality Team- Enables parishioners to enjoy fellowship as they chat after 10 AM Sunday Mass. Make coffee and serve coffee, tea, juice and baked treats in the Gathering Space. Visit the After Mass Refreshment page or contact Jay Buhr for more details.
St. Thomas Reads Book Club meets every other month at 7 pm in the Gathering Hall to discuss a predetermined Fiction or Nonfiction book about faith. Anyone may attend the discussions and there is no committment necessary. Check out their page for the upcoming read!